Obesity and weight loss are complex challenges involved by socioeconomic status, education and culture. Finding a solution at the population level is going to be a tough ask. Maybe technology can help in the future, but who knows.
I agree that individuals need to find what works for them. I'm a Nutritionist & Exercise Scientist and have been working with clients to improve body composition for over seven years. When I a started out, I wanted a single approach that would work for everyone. However, I soon learned that didn't work because everyone had unique circumstances, strengths and challenges.
I believe that body composition is managed by energy balance (energy in and energy out) but eating less and moving more is poor advice. Yes, most people need to do one, or both, to alter their energy balance, but we need to give more specific guidance on what to do. To me, eat less and move more is akin to telling someone who is struggling financially eat earn more and spend less.
I enjoyed reading your exploration of the topic. While I don't agree on all things - ie. the Krebs cycle explanation - I think you make some good points and articulated them well.